Thanks for stopping by our website!

We have tried to cover all the general and shipping information you might be looking for on this page, but if you have any further questions please drop us a mail via the contact form here.

Where we ship to
Worldwide shipping is available for the most products listed in our store, except where rights restrictions may limit us to do so on any specific title; i.e. where we only have rights to sell within the UK/EU.

Where we ship from
The vast majority of orders are packed and shipped by us, from our office in London, UK. However, where possible (taking into account any rights restrictions) titles are also available for local shipping in the US, with those orders being fulfilled by our local partner Night Owls, out of their Arizona facility.

Product-specific shipping information is shown on each individual product page, for transparency on where each item can be shipped from and to. Please note that stock levels vary and so certain formats / vinyl colourways may only be available from one location.

When we ship
We endeavour to have orders shipped within three working days of being placed. Pre-order items are sent out a few days ahead of release, in an effort for these to arrive as close to the release date as possible. We'll do everything we can to get your order to you as quickly as we can but please remember that once it has left us we cannot be responsible for how quickly the delivery service gets your order to you.

When we ship if you order multiple items
Please note that if you buy a pre-order item alongside an item which is already released and is available to be shipped immediately, to save you spending more than you need to on shipping both items will be sent together on the release date of the pre-order item.

Product likenesses
When we announce new titles / pre-orders we most likely do not yet have the stock in hand, meaning that we will use so-called 'mock-ups' for imagery, showing what we reasonably expect the final product to look like. You'll more than likely be used to seeing these across the various online stores you shop at, for many different items, but certainly for vinyl.

We are always careful to ensure that these mock-ups are created to represent as closely as possible the finished stock that we are due to receive; however the sometime vagaries of vinyl production may mean that you occasionally see small differences. If we notice these, we'll make a point of saying so, but it's not usually an issue that arises.

When we do get stock delivered, we will take photos ourselves and replace these on the store and it's likely that you'll notice little to no difference!

Return Policy
If your item has arrived damaged or you would like to return it to us, please get in touch: 


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